Amnesty Int.

Projet réalisé en partenariat avec EACA (European Association of Communication Agencies) a organisé la 10ème édition de la compétition Ad Venture. Le but étant de répondre à un brief client pour servir une cause humanitaire ou sociale.

Sensibiliser la société à la problématique d'accueil des réfugiés

Guider le public-cible vers la plateforme IWelcome Community d'Amnesty

Mobiliser la société à travers des petites actions au quotidien





Durant ce Mastère, j’ai eu l’opportunité de participer à la compétition européenne Ad Venture organisée par EACA (European Association of Communication Agencies). Le but étant de répondre à un brief client pour servir une cause humanitaire ou sociale. Cette 10ème édition a accueilli Amnesty International. Le brief consistait à inspirer les citoyens du monde entier et à exhorter les gouvernements à assumer leur juste part de responsabilité dans la crise des réfugiés.

Mon équipe a remporté cette compétition face à près de 90 équipes, issues de 31 universités originaires de 13 pays d’Europe. Nous avons eu la chance de présenter notre campagne à Vienne devant le client et d’assister à Cannes Lions 2018.


Nous sommes partis du constat que les personnes réfugiées sont aujourd’hui très mal perçues par la société. Les médias et les politiciens peignent souvent des portraits dénués d’humanité. On entend beaucoup parler d’eux mais paradoxalement on n’entend moins parler de leurs histoires, de leurs identités… on ne parle que de statistiques et de masse. Cette façon de présenter les réfugiés est à notre sens assez dégradante. Nous avons voulu casser ces préjugés en clamant leur nom et en les présentant individuellement plutôt que collectivement. L’idée était de valoriser le nom et les visages de chacune de ces personnes.

Plan de communication

Nous avons réalisé la campagne en 3 étapes : 

  • Une 1ère étape pour susciter l’intérêt, reconnaître le problème avec des portraits de réfugiés et le hashtag #NoName.

Une 2ème étape pour faire réagir, proposer une solution en retrouvant le nom de ces personnes réfugiées. On reconnaît leur individualité et leur dignité grâce à une plateforme digitale, des portraits vidéos touchants et le hashtag #FindMyName.


Une dernière étape pour mobiliser la société, atteindre les gouvernements et les autorités publiques grâce au hashtag de ralliement #ClaimMyName.

In the name of refugees

Téléchargez la campagne via le lien ci-dessous.

Script de la vidéo de lancement de la deuxième phase


Nous sommes des étrangers, des vagabonds.

Voguant sur une mer d’indifférence. 

Nous sommes une foule informe, une masse sans nom. 

Qui a aussi fait couler de l’encre. 

Quand ils parlent de nous, médias et politiques,

Nous ne sommes que des profiteurs.

Quand ils parlent de nous, médias et politiques,

Nous ne sommes plus que des chiffres, la guerre et la terreur.

Réduits à ce troupeau, cantonnés dans ces jungles,

Marchant dans les ruisseaux et dans ces terrains vagues.

Nous demeurons humain et notre seule richesse 

Est notre nom, dernier témoin de notre passé funeste. 

Parce que l’on oublie parfois très vite, 

Que cette foule est faite d’enfant, de pères et de mère tristes

Dont le nom et l’histoire sont trop souvent oubliés.

Trouve mon nom, que je retrouve ma dignité.

A look back on Ad Venture

Ad Venture en images

ESP : Success Story

Ad Venture 2018, les finalistes

Le jury final
Sandra Alvarez, Director Sparkfoundry


I have the pleasure of managing a remarkably talented team of  media planners alongside data, content, social research and digital specialists as the Managing Director of Spark Foundry, Ireland. I am a frequent guest lecturer in Trinity College Ireland, Dublin Institute of Technology and Dublin Business School on psychology, business, marketing, media planning, digital planning and human behaviour. I currently hold a Board position in Core and, in the past, held a Board position in Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland (2014 and 2015). I have been a judge at international media festivals such as the Effies and Festival of Global Media. I have worked and work with global and Irish iconic brands such as Mondelez, Volkswagen, Irish Times and Procter & Gamble. The work I have led and co-created with my partners has won over forty different awards on best use of media, advertising effectiveness and creativity in media Academic Jurors.

Monique Gerritsen, EPHEC, Belgium


Monique Gerritsen holds a Masters in Economic Sciences from the Catholic University of Louvain (KUL). She started her career in 1981 at the J. Walter Thompson communications agency. For 20 years she worked as Client Services Director and as a member of the Management team in several international communications agencies (JWT, Grey Worldwide, McCann Erickson and Young & Rubicam) and managed clients in different sectors on a national and an international level. Guest lecturer at the EPHEC since 1999, she started to teach in 2002 and helped to found the communication option in the Haute Ecole EPHEC’s Marketing section. Representing Ephec she is an edcom Research Committee and Board member. Mrs. Gerritsen has also a 8 years’ experience in direct search & recruitment and is since 2011 Co-President and Coordinator of the Belgian Commercial Film Producers Association and she also works as an HR consultant at HC Consulting (office), is a freelance communication consultant and has been a member of the EFFIE Awards’ Organisation Committee for 17 years.

Sieglinde Martin, FH Wien


Sieglinde Martin graduated at the Vienna University of Economics with her prize winning thesis on “Education and Further Education at Universities”. She visited continuous further education in the field of business leadership, marketing and communications, e.g. at the Kellogg University, Chicago and University of Peddington, UK. In addition she is trained as systemic coach and NLP practitioner. Sieglinde Martin is Head of the Institute for Communication, Marketing & Sales at the FHWien – University of Applied Sciences of WKW in Vienna. Further she was the Academic Head of the Program “Professional in Advertising”, a cooperation project between the Werbe Akademie & FHWien of WKW (2007-2010) and Head of the Academic Board (2008-2012). Previous to her academic functions, Martin worked for nearly 20 years in various leading marketing and sales management positions in international companies, such as Microsoft, Xerox, Mondi Business Paper and Philips. She launched several international marketing projects and advertising campaigns on an integrated approach and gained a lot of intercultural experiences.

Barry Ferguson, Planning Director at Carat UK


Barry has nearly 20 years of communications and advertising experience having worked at New PHD, Capital Radio (Global Radio), OMD, Gamesys, MediaCom and Carat. He is rare in that he has worked on all three sides of the communications industry; he has been a client, a planner and has also worked on the media owner side. As such he has a full perspective of how the industry operates. As you would expect he has worked on hundreds of campaigns for dozens of clients. He has significant experience of both implementation and strategic communications planning but has a specific interest in the psychology of planning, and so any brief with a behaviour change requirement is greeted with a warm smile. He is married with two children and certainly qualifies as a ‘fun’ Dad – “I’m not sure who is more grown up, them or me”. He is a strategy games nut and peers consider him to be an expert at Chess, Backgammon and Poker.

Istvan Simon, Co-founder of Mama said no

When he was a student at FH Wien, Istvan and his team were one of the Finalists teams of the Ad Venture Students Competition 2008. In the beginning of his working career he was a Senior Account Manager at DDB Vienna. After that, he had a two years’ experience as a Creative Strategist and Creative Concepter at Vice Austria. Nowadays, Istvan is the Co-Founder and Creative Director at Mama said no® working with big clients like Alfa Romeo and Stiegl. He is very excited to see the finalists of this year’s competition and to give his valuable insights and advice on their work.

Emily Nevins , Amnesty Internatonal


Director of Campaigns

Emily Nevins has spent over a decade with Amnesty International’s International Secretariat, serving as Global Campaigns Director since 2012. She steers the organization’s global campaigns agenda (currently I Welcome, focused on refugee rights, and Brave, focused on protecting human rights defenders), as well as previous campaigns to end Torture and to protect Sexual and Reproductive Rights. She also oversees Amnesty’s Individuals at Risk campaigns, Digital Campaigns, Youth Engagement, Activism and Rapid Response Campaigns. Prior to Amnesty, she worked with Friends of the Earth and at a London-based race equality organization. Emily holds a Masters Degree in Diplomatic Studies from the University of Westminster, London, and a BA Music from DePaul University, Chicago.

Philip Doyle, Amnesty International

Philip Doyle

Communications Director, Austria.

Many years’ experience in steering, implementing and developing international advocacy and communication initiatives and campaigns in the field of Human Rights – working for global NGOs and movements such as Amnesty International, SOS Children’s Villages and Clean Clothes Campaign.
Strategic Communications Adviser for international positioning, advocacy and fundraising initiatives.
International capacity building for advocacy experts Africa, Latin America, Eastern & Western Europe on strategic communication and campaigning.

Présentation complète

Dossier écrit